
NaVi战队关于Egor "flamie" Vasilev成为自由选手的声明
Egor "flamie" Vasilev is now a free agent. He will play for NAVI Junior at WePlay Academy League Season 2.
Egor “flamie” Vasilev现在是一名自由选手。他将代表NaVi.junior青训队参加WePlay Academy青训联赛第2赛季的比赛。
After a break from the professional stage, Egor can practice for the new season and share his tier-1 experience with our academy players.
COO NAVI Aleksey "xaoc" Kucherov shared more details regarding this decision.
NaVi的首席运营官Aleksey “xaoc” Kucherov分享了关于这个决定的更多细节。
We have made this decision based on the team's successful results recently and the specifics of the RMR system, which effectively doesn't allow a sixth player in the roster anymore.
Taking these factors into consideration, as well as Egor's contribution to the development of the discipline and the club in general, we have decided to give flamie the status of a free agent, so he doesn't come across possible restrictions for his further development. Despite the fact that Egor is a NAVI veteran, he is young, motivated, experienced, and has a fantastic AIM. These characteristics are definitely demanded in ambitious teams.
You can witness Egor's amazing shape at WePlay Academy League, where he plays with NAVI Junior.
你可以在WePlay Academy青训联赛见证flamie的优异状态,他将在那里同NaVi.junior青训队一起比赛。
Egor "flamie" Vasilev played for ua NAVI from March 2015 to April 2021. He has played in 12 Major tournaments, earned two MVP awards, and made it to the top 20 HLTV.org rankings twice. He is still considered one of the most titled players in the CIS region. He has won IEM Katowice 2020, ESL One Cologne 2018, ESL One New York 2016, and finished top-3 in over 40 other LAN tournaments.
Egor “flamie” Vasilev在2015年3月至2021年4月期间为NaVi效力。他参加了12届Major赛事周期,获得两次MVP奖项,并且两次进入HLTV排名前20。他仍被认为是独联体地区最具声望的选手之一。他曾在2020 IEM卡托维兹锦标赛、2018 ESL科隆锦标赛、2016 ESL纽约站三项赛事中夺冠,并在超过40场线下赛事中获得前三名。
