
- When a player disconnects or is kicked in classic competitive and wingman modes, they will no longer be replaced by a bot. If the entire other team leaves, one bot will be left on the other team, idling in spawn.
- Fixed bots not navigating properly in Warmup arenas.
- 当玩家在经典竞技模式及搭档模式中断开连接或被踢出时,他们的位置将不再被一个BOT取代;如果另一队整队都离开,该队伍将留下一个BOT,在出生点原地旋转;
- 修复了BOT无法在搭档模式1v1热身环节中正确导航的错误;
- Reduced size of SWAT sleeves matching all existing models.
- 减小了SWAT探员的手臂,使之与其他所有模型匹配;
- Fixed a crash in Windows dedicated server when “version” command is issued.
- Pings no longer move when walked over by characters, and will no longer highlight weapons in competitive matches.
- Adjusted Retakes clip areas in Mirage and Train.
- 修复了一个错误,该错误会使Windows专用服务器在收到“version”指令时崩溃;
- 标记通知将不再随玩家走过而移动,并且不会在竞技模式中突出显示武器;
- 调整了回防模式在荒漠迷城和列车停放站地图中的区域;
- Accounts that completed government identity verification have been upgraded to CS:GO Prime Account Status for Steam China.
- 在“Steam中国”完成身份验证的账号已被升级为优先状态;
- Further optimizations.
- Fixed some clipping bugs.
- 进一步优化;
- 修复了一些碰撞体积错误;
- Fixed a pixel-gap in the Cargo containers in T-Spawn. (Thanks to the perceptive individual that reported it to 3kliksphilip!)
- Fixed Cargo containers not having their proper colors.
- Fixed bomb explosions being visible above the A site. (Thanks markman2575!)
- 修复了T出生点集装箱的像素间隙(感谢向3kliksphilip反馈的玩家)
- 修复了集装箱未拥有其合适颜色的错误;
- 修复了A点炸弹爆炸时,爆炸效果高于A包点的错误(感谢markman2575)
- Removed several boost spots.
- Added stairs in the garage for Better rotation flow.
- Breakable glass ceiling around A-site and Mid. Smokes and flashes can now be used on A-site.
- Removed “office” area on mid.
- Added ladder on A upper CT side.
- Both entrances of the hut are now wider for Better player traffic flow between A-site and Mid.
- Lowered A upper and bridge to make entire bombsite more readable.
- Removed several awkward angles on A-site.
- Removed excessive areas on A-site.
- Removed clutter on A-site.
- Better FPS around the whole map.
- 去除了一些双架点位;
- 在车库增加楼梯,以便于转点;
- A点和中路具有可打破的玻璃天花板,现在烟雾弹和闪光弹可以用于A点;
- 去除了中路的“办公室”区域;
- 在A点靠近CT出生点的一侧增加梯子;
- 增加了小屋的两个入口的宽度,以便玩家在A点和中路转点;
- 降低了A点上层和连接桥的高度,使整个A包点更容易观察;
- 去除了一些A包点的不便的角度;
- 去除了A包点的多余区域;
- 去除了A包点的杂物;
- 整个地图具有更高的FPS;

- Widened inner part of connector.
- Reduced size of restaurant corner.
- Adjusted tarp positions on truck to eliminate some angles.
- Lowered half-wall at stairs.
- Adjusted timings by pushing CT spawns back a bit.
- Shifted crates next to tower further towards pit.
- Enhanced visibility for various long range angles.
- Removed electric box next to bikes.
- Reduced amount of breakable glass at shop.
- Blocked angle from CT boost to pit.
- Increased size of ladder hole.
- Added location names.
- Fixed players being able to see into the tower area when boosted at dumpster. (u/ReVoLTimE)
- Fixed some Z-fighting and intersecting geo. (Thanks Joaokaka1998)
- Fixed various visible nodraw textures. (Thanks Joaokaka1998, Fnugz, u/TheSpudd, u/ReVoLTimE)
- Fixed various bomb stuck spots. (Thanks Joaokaka1998)
- Fixed player stuck spot on street. (Kerluck)
- Clipping adjustments throughout the map. (Thanks Joaokaka1998, u/ReVoLTimE, Kerluck)
- Minor visual adjustments and enhancements.
- 增加了连接内部的宽度;
- 减小了餐厅角落的尺寸;
- 调整了卡车上方篷布的位置,以消除一些角度;
- 降低了楼梯位置矮墙的高度;
- 将CT出生点轻微后移,以调整交火时间;
- 将高塔旁边的箱子向大坑方向移动;
- 增强了一些长距离角度的可见性;
- 去除了自行车旁边的电箱;
- 减少了商店中可打破玻璃的数量;
- 阻挡了CT出生点双架观察大坑的位置;
- 增加了梯子入口处的大小;
- 增加了位置名称;
- 修复了玩家在垃圾桶位置双架观察高塔区域的错误(感谢用户ReVoLTimE)
- 修复了一些Z轴相交和模型重叠的错误(感谢Joaokaka1998)
- 修复了一些可见的nodraw纹理(感谢Joaokaka1998、Fnugz、TheSpudd、ReVoLTimE)
- 修复了一些卡住雷包的地点(感谢Joaokaka1998)
- 修复了玩家在街道上卡住的地点(Kerluck)
- 调整了整张地图上的碰撞体积(感谢Joaokaka1998、ReVoLTimE、Kerluck)
- 一些微小的视觉调整和增强。
