




- Stockholm 2021 Autograph Capsules for Champions and Finalists are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the players and organizations.

【2021 PGL斯德哥尔摩Major】

 2021 PGL斯德哥尔摩Major冠军和八强赛选手的签名胶囊现在已经开放购买(译者注:国服价格为7元)50%的收益将捐赠给选手和组织;


- A new music kit "Flashbang Dance" by The Verkkars & n0thing is now available for purchase in-game.


 由The Verkkars和n0thing创作的新音乐盒“Flashbang Dance”现已发售,可在游戏内购买(译者注:国服普通和StatTrak™版的价格分别为32元和51元)


- Smoke grenades will ignore players when detonating over burning fires and tracing to ground.
- Stability fixes.




Insertion II
- Tweaked hostage rescue zone making it smaller around the back side.
- Fixed issue behind pizza where weapons fell through the ground.
- Added one extra cubicle and desk in orange office.
- Fixed so you can fit inside the top of the slide in playground.
- Removed glass from the salad bar prop in Pizza that was unbreakable.
- Various graphical, clipping and collision issues fixed.



- Upgrades to middle, visually and to the gameplay.
- Fixed loud door sound.
- Added a powerful selfboost at the T side of middle.
- Cubby at middle is now deeper.
- Added a new piece of cover in the wine room hallway.
- Windows at middle are now broken into pieces due to a classic smoke grenade issue. Before, players were visible inside the smoke when close to the breakable windows (Thanks Dapplication)
- Removed raised planters at CT spawn and middle.
- Changed some building architecture.
- More glass is now breakable.
- Removed clipping atop the coushin boxes at T main allowing for a new boost spot (Thanks Quoting)
- Replaced nodraw on rooftops with roof textures.
- Lowered volume of the helicopter.
- Small tweaks to clipping around the map.
- Updated radar image.



下一篇:没拿到钻石硬币?s1mple解释Major金硬币的由来 上一篇:CSGO 2021年11月10日更新日志「签名胶囊&音乐盒」