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- Ping notifications will fade when aiming near them and be fully transparent when aiming directly at them.
- Lowered volume of background scenery when Ancient is selected.
- Lowered volume of female death sounds.
- Resampled older sounds for HRTF.




- Fixed clipbrushes for Retakes.




- Reduced soundscape volume.
- Tweaked ambient light levels in some locations.
- Added additional lights to dark corners.
- Removed metal pillars by backdoor entrance to B site.
- Scaffolding by B site can now be shot through.
- Blocked visibility between boxes on A site.
- Tweaked blending for better player reads in some locations.
- Redid visual language of ledges around mid, more obvious what is/isnt pathable.
- Marked additional props for low end CPU/GPU culling.
- Mossy walls no longer surface type ‘grass’.
- Fixed invisible pottery.
- Removed some visual clutter around backdoor to B.
- General optimizations.
- Feneral clipping fixes.
- Added de_ancient_zoo VMF to SDK for community map makers.


 将de_ancient_zoo VMF添加到SDK,以供社区地图制作者使用;


- Improved performance.
- Improved loot spawns.
- Changed certain doors to improve gameplay flow.
- Fixed reported cases of physics objects falling through displacements.
- Fixed rare cases of weapon drops getting stuck in the border clipping.



- Reworked the bar building for improved gameplay.
- 重新设计了酒吧建筑,以改进游戏玩法;

- Fixed rare cases of drone deliveries falling through the ground.

- Clipped fence around the electrical building to allow for easier jumps onto roof.

[Ski Slopes]
- Made it easier to grab onto the ladders on the ski lift posts.

- Fixed floating counter on security gate.

- Reworked the village buildings for improved gameplay.

- Fixed various stuck spots.
- Fixed various spots where loot would get stuck.
- Avalanche sound is now quieter and plays only after the first wave.



下一篇:【CSGO】s1mple险些加盟FaZe,olofmeister爆改指挥位将退役! 上一篇:【CSGO与现实42】现实里CT与T公平对枪?想多了吧!(附2020年12月10日更新)